Read, Eat, Drink: Food Rules, Better Sandwiches, and a Ginger Caipirinha


Aaron Carroll Food Rules

We all want to eat healthy, and we all want to eat delicious food. Which is why we all tend to have  our own, sometimes quirky, ideas about how to do just that.  Paleo, raw, vegan, vegetarian, Atkins, pescatarian–they’re all ways to help us put order to the sometimes random process of getting edible things into our pieholes. (And making sure we’re not eating too much pie!)

So here are 7 rules I agree with from Aaron Carroll of The Upshot, for your reading pleasure. I like that they’re sane, fairly unrestrictive, and very cognizant of the fact that having a cocktail and a hoagie once in awhile isn’t going to do you in. (More on that below.)

My favorite one?

7. Eat with other people, especially people you care about, as often as possible. This has benefits even outside those of nutrition. It will make you more likely to cook. It will most likely make you eat more slowly. It will also make you happy.

Good food, just like a good book, should make you feel good. Some things are that simple.


The Sandwich Bar Primi

It is one of life’s nagging mysteries: Why is a sandwich you order at a restaurant so invariably and intensely better than a sandwich you make at home?

These are the questions that keep me up at night. It’s a universally felt pain that sandwiches made by someone else are, and will always be, superior to that mash of bread and deli and refrigerator scraps you threw together last night.

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