The 13 best Anne Lamott quotes to cheer you up

The 13 best Anne Lamott quotes to cheer you up–these are the best inspirational Anne Lamott quotes on grace, from her book Bird by Bird, and from Anne Lamott’s other books.

I was in a terrible mood this morning. Grumpy, grouchy, not grateful at all.

The sun was shining, which was annoying. I didn’t really feel like working, but I didn’t really feel like not working.

I just felt fussy, like a baby who squirms and yelps and shakes a tiny fist at the world for not being a little warmer, less confusing, more neatly organized, and free of dog hair that must perpetually (perpetually!) be vacuumed.

anne lamott quotes

(Pepper, on the other hand, has no such angst. Her greatest hardship is bath time.)

What do you do when you wake up in a mood?

I usually pick up a book. Or in a rush, I scroll through my Quotes board on Pinterest.

There’s something about reading quotes that centers me and helps me start looking up at the sky instead of down at my feet.

So in case you also need a mid-week pick-me-up, today I’m sharing 13 of my favorite inspirational Anne Lamott quotes.

These are the Anne Lamott quotes that shake me awake and make me take a deep breath and smile. I hope they brighten your day, too!

The 13 best Anne Lamott quotes to cheer you up

anne lamott quotes

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