20 excuses to slow down and look at something beautiful

We had the most incredible trip to New Zealand, and if you’ve been following along on Instagram, you know April was the very weirdest month for us.

We spent half of it getting our eyeballs blown by the magnificent scenery of New Zealand, then came home to a health scare (all okay now), a trillion work projects, and all that stuff that we try to ignore when we’re on vacation.

But to quote my wise author, Francine Jay, (who was in turning quoting John Heywood),


In space cometh grace.


I felt that in New Zealand, and it came into crystal clear focus when we came back to our crowded, endlessly busy lives. And now Jarrett and I are making a new commitment to keeping more space in our lives—more unplanned time, more long walks, less overcommitting. (Not easy for a people-pleaser like me!)

So in case you need 5 minutes in your day to do nothing but look at pretty pictures, here are the 20 most beautiful shots from New Zealand. Even if you’re deep inside an office building, I hope they remind you there’s a big, beautiful, wild world out there.

And I’d love to hear: what are you most looking forward to now that the weather’s turning?

From The Library

how to pitch an agent at a writer's conference

a sabbatical break for writers

Mindfulness Practices for writers

Quick Reads of the Week

  1. She’s on a mission to make home cooking less guilt-inducing, and she’s bringing along my author, Nik Sharma.
  2. Do you do this?
  3. On MSG and the high church of umami.
  4. It’s here!!
  5. What self-help really means.

What We’re Eating This Week

I ate nearly every piece of lamb on the island of New Zealand, and now I must make reparations. That, and the good cookbooks keep coming, so I’m packing us tight with new recipes to try this week:

Sunday: Lemon Garlic Salmon and Cauliflower from Virginia’s cookbook. That sauce! I licked the bowl after dinner, because drinking butter is still healthier than dessert?

Monday: This white chicken chili, which is the chicken chili to rule them all. #modest

Tuesday: Roasted brussels sprouts. With a side of spaghetti and this Instant Pot bolognese sauce. (Health tip: if you tell people the veggie is the main, everyone will feel better about themselves.)

Wednesday: Out! Or if I’m feeling mean: LEFTOVERS.

Thursday: Thai Crunch Salad from the gorgeous Once Upon a Chef cookbook, which never fails to make me feel sophisticated without actually requiring any extra work from me.

Friday: Pizza night, and we’re experimenting with this crust. Currently it looks like a blob of yellow in my refrigerator, so just in case, there’s always this. (Heh.)


7 thoughts on “20 excuses to slow down and look at something beautiful

  1. Maria! What gorgeous photos from your trip! I know you and Jarrett had the best time together exploring and enjoying it all. I’m so glad the health scare is all okay! Thinking of you, my friend! xo

    1. Thank you, Robyn!! We had your (best ever) white chicken chili this week, so I was just thinking of you. Sending you the biggest hug! xo

  2. Oh, New Zealand is my favorite place in the world aside from home in Oregon. I studied landscape architecture at Lincoln Uni on the South Island and returned again on our round the world trip and feel even deeper in love. So fun to see your photos, Maria! Your newsletter always brightens my inbox. Thanks for sharing your world.

    1. Oh, I am so jealous you got to study on the South Island! I felt like I could have spent forever there. It really is a place that makes you fall instantly in love.

      Thank YOU for reading and sharing the love for NZ ! 🙂

  3. I’m glad the health scare is over. I LOVE the pictures of New Zealand. Especially of Bag End. It’s one of my heart’s dreams to visit New Zealand, mostly because I want to find Middle Earth. Lord of the Rings are my favorite books and I loved the movies as well.

    Thanks for always sharing your adventures.

    1. You will LOVE New Zealand if you love all things Middle Earth. The whole country feels like one epic, beautiful world apart from our own. And Bag End was even cuter and more picturesque than I expected. Hoping you get there soon!

      Thank you so much for reading and taking the time to say hello. 🙂

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