These are the 3 things you need to become a writer

The 3 things you need to become a writer: a literary agent on the 3 habits that can help anyone become a writer and successfully publish a book.

I love a good origin story. A few weeks ago I got to hear three of them at a book signing at Rizzoli, and it still (still!) surprised me how similar they were.

Basically, here’s how to become a writer:

  1. Be passionate about X subject.
  2. Try a whole bunch of different thing to turn that passion into a job.
  3. Find the thing that works for you, put in your 10,000 hours, and get really good at it.
  4. Get invited to do fun things—write a book, go on TV, appear in big magazines, go on tour.
  5. Do it all over again, forever.

As a literary agent, I get to hop on the ride around step 3 and help make step 4 and 5 go smoothly and enjoyably. But steps 1 through 3 are the most important ones to become a writer. Those are the ones where no one can help you—no agent, no editor, no powerful connection—can wave the creative wand and make you successful.

Become a writer

But in the nearly 10 years I’ve worked in publishing, I’ve seen that there are 3 habits that are essential if you want to become a writer. And 9 times out of 10, successful authors have all used the same exact tool to build those 3 habits.

Here are the 3 things you need to become a writer:

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