A Can’t-Miss Blogging Conference to Watch at Home

profitable blogging summit maria ribas literary agent

I know I’m supposed to be on vacation (whoops), but I wanted to pop in and let you all know about a great summit I’m speaking at this week. The Profitable Blogging Summit is perfect for writers, bloggers, small business owners, and anyone else who wants to get more readers for their work. It’s also perfect for anyone who doesn’t want to drag themselves to a frigid, horrendously decorated hotel ballroom to get the conference experience. I call it the couch-conference circuit.

The fabulous Kirsten Oliphant has pulled together a great list of experts to cover all the blogging questions you’ve ever had. And yes, it’s free!

Here’s what you can learn if you tune in this week:


  • Creating an Effective Pinterest Strategy – Jennifer Fishkind
  • Going from 0-3 Million Pageviews – Becky Mansfield
  • Growing Your YouTube Channel in 2016 – Amy Schmittauer
  • Building an Email List from the Start – Matt Ragland
  • Becoming a Profitable Blogger – Kirsten Oliphant


  • Writing & Optimizing Viral Posts – Paula Rollo
  • Designing Profitable Online Courses – Melyssa Griffin
  • Building a Simple Sales Funnel – Caressa Lenae
  • Creating an Effective Visual Brand – Andrea Beltrami
  • Diving Deep into SEO – Zach Doty
  • Writing Killer Sponsored Content – David Ulrich

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How to Announce Your Book to Readers

How to announce a book deal to your readers

But first, the publishing stories worth reading this week:

How to Use Guest Blogging to Promote Your Book (Beth Hayden on JaneFriedman.com): This is a great all-in-one post on why writers should be guest blogging and how they can go about doing it, with an easy step-by-step process to follow. Take it one step at a time, and you’ll find it’s not as intimidating as it seems!

Not Enough Hours: Marketing Priorities for the Author Without a Team (Chad Cannon): “So what about the author without a team? I often hear frustrations and concerns from authors who want to market their books well, but who feel there simply aren’t enough hours in the day to hit all the ‘perfect marketing plan’ check boxes.”

‘You May Also Like’ and ‘Pretentiousness: Why It Matters’ (Jennifer Szalai for The New York Times): “The word ‘tasteful’ can, like its well-bred cousins ‘refined’ and ‘agreeable,’ function as either compliment or insult, depending on the thing it’s modifying and the person who’s doling it out. Does the thought of spending a day in tasteful company sound enjoyable or unbearable? Would you want to see a tasteful movie? Hear a tasteful joke? Do you think a professional critic should be tasteful? Does ‘tasteful’ entail a cultivated aesthetic, one arrived at through formidable powers of judgment and discernment, or a contrived affectation that degenerates into an automaton-like weakness for bamboo cheese boards and artisanal-coffee-shop playlists?”

The Powerful Case for Developing Your Fiction Writing Platform (Emily Wenstrom on The Write Life): “Your author ambitions don’t stop with one book deal, right? Most writers consider a book release a stepping stone, rather than an end goal. You want to keep growing your audience so your next book sells even better, and so on. This audience growth over time is called the long tail. A platform is key for this.”

How to Announce Your Book to Readers

{By the way, I have a fun little giveaway at the bottom of this post, so scroll down to catch it!}

Last week was one of those weeks I got to say my favorite words: “We’d like to accept your offer.”

I love saying that. It’s one of the shining moments of being an agent, especially when you know how much an author deserves that deal and how much they’re going to love working with that particular editor.

That moment naturally always brings me to this moment: Announcement Day, one of our favorite days around here. Today I have a big “congratulations!” for Rachel Tiemeyer and Polly Conner of the blog Thriving Home, who will be writing a whip-smart practical cookbook called From Freezer to Table: Whole Foods Recipes + Strategies for Cooking Ahead, Freezing, and Eating at Home. Here’s the official Publisher’s Marketplace deal listing:

Rachel Tiemeyer Polly Conner Thriving Home book deal

I have had so much fun working on this project. Polly and Rachel are just dream authors (says the broken-record agent who thinks this about all her authors…but they really are!), and we had a blast coming up with creative ways to make the book even more useful and helpful to readers.

Here’s a little sneak peek at how I described their book in my pitch letter to editors:

When Rachel Tiemeyer gave birth to her son, she had a rude awakening: dinner was not happening anymore. Most nights she would throw her hands up, open up the freezer, and pull out a boxed lasagna or frozen pizza. Her family wasn’t eating well, and she didn’t have a clue what to do about it. That is, until a friend invited her to a Freezer Club in the spring of 2007. She realized that if she wanted to eat healthy, easy, affordable, whole food meals, all while spending less time in the kitchen and more time with friends, then freezer cooking was the ultimate solution.

Now, in From Freezer to Table, Rachel and Polly will share their foolproof freezer recipes that hit the coveted trinity of healthiness, ease, and affordability, as well as step-by-step instructions on exactly how to freeze meals correctly (and how to make sure your friends stay your friends even when the cooking goes wrong!). With over 6 million page views in 2015, Thriving Home has already carved out a large majority of the readership in the freezer cooking world: the site is a top 5 Google search result for all freezer cooking search terms, making it the go-to resource for millions of freezer-curious cooks.

Rachel and Polly announced their book deal on their blog this week, and they did it the very best way:

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4 Ways to Work Through a Creative Block

How to get past writer's block

But first, the publishing news worth reading this week:

How to Grow an Amazing Fiction Readership (She’s Novel): “Whether you want to build a full-blown career as a novelist or just bring in a few extra bucks on the side, growing your readership is pivotal to making sales. In fact, selling your stories usually goes a bit like this: Publish a book. Tell your friends and family. Realize you actually have to market this thing. FREAK OUT.”

Calling All Foodie Freelancers: 20 Dining and Food Magazines to Pitch (Kristen Pope on The Write Life): “Don’t limit yourself strictly to ‘food’ magazines and publications. Many other publications, ranging from travel to regional magazines, include a food or dining section, and even more are open to food-related pitches, so keep an open mind when trying to place stories about the culinary world.”

9 Research-Backed Ways to Spark Your Creativity (Michael Hyatt): “Creativity is essential to leadership and business. But we don’t always feel very creative. And I know some people doubt they’re creative at all. The good news is that all of us can easily become more creative.”

5 Tips for Overcoming Marketing Writer’s Block (Chadwick Cannon): “I hear a great many authors tell me that they have these great ideas for how to market their book, but when it comes time to put those big ideas on paper in a streamlined and practical way, their minds freeze up. Or that they have strong thoughts on what their promo copy should say, but then can’t get started when they finally sit down to put it on paper.”

4 Ways to Work Through a Creative Block

We all get stuck sometimes. Last night I was sitting on the balcony with Jarrett and whining about not knowing what to write for a post. We had finally called it quits with work for the day, packed away the laptops, poured the wine, and were watching a thunderstorm roll in. But I was using these precious moments of leisure to complain about the work lying ahead of me the next day.

Isn’t that always how it is? We check one day of work off then immediately start to ruminate on the next day.

I’m convinced that tomorrow’s work is the private terror of the creative mind.

As soon as we hit our goals for the day, we start dreading tomorrow, when we’ll have to sit down and face that blank page again. And what we want, more than anything, is for it to go away. And if it can’t go away, then we sure as heck better be struck by a bolt of inspiration between now and then.

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How to Get Your Dream Job in Book Publishing

how to become a literary agent

But first, the book publishing stories worth reading this week:

Research Backs Up the Instinct That Walking Improves Creativity (Quartz): “The act of walking itself, rather than the sights encountered on a saunter, was key to improving creativity, they found.”

The Amazon Sales Game: Mastering Reviews and the Author Page (Chadwick Cannon): “There are two killer ways that an author can use Amazon’s features to bring in higher sales: reviews and Author Central.”

Audible, Long Known Only for Audiobooks, Is Branching Out Into Podcasts–and News (NiemanLab): “The podcast/audio world has been waiting for Audible to make its big move into the space. It’s here, including original content from major publishers like The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and Jeff Bezos’ Washington Post.”

A New Platform for Serialized Work: Tapas Media (Jane Friedman): “On the reader-facing side, Tapas offers bite-sized stories and the ability to try any story free before purchasing or ‘unlocking’ installments. To unlock new installments, a reader might invite friends to read, watch ads, complete some other offer, or simply wait. (The founders are calling it ‘Candy Crush meets books.’)”

How to Get Your Dream Job in Book Publishing

I received an email a few weeks ago that stood out to me. It wasn’t about how to get published—it was about how to work in publishing.

As Becky wrote:

“I am an aspiring writer as well as an aspiring publisher. I am 26, and have been interested in publishing since I left high school. I studied English, History and Art History at university, and applied for a publishing degree but didn’t get in because I didn’t have any publishing experience as of yet.

I worked in an office job for 5 years, moved to London, and now am working as a legal secretary. But I really really want to get into the publishing world in any way I can. Being in London, I feel I am in the right place (so many book shops and literary festivals!) to start my career.

Do you have any advice on how to get started in the wonderful world of publishing? I am willing to start wherever I need to. All I know is, it’s my passion and it’s what I want/need to do.”

Ah! I love this question. You made my day, Becky.

I love it because I think there’s nothing more worthwhile than fighting hard to make it in publishing. And I love it because I think there are too many people out there who will tell you it’s not worth it.

So before we get even another paragraph in, let’s get a few things out of the way:

  • Yes, you will make very little money (at first).
  • Yes, you will work long hours.
  • Yes, you will get promoted more slowly than your friends in other industries.
  • Yes, you will encounter difficult personalities and possibly cutthroat office cultures.
  • But, yes, it is the greatest work in the world.

(And yes, you’ll get free books. Free books! If just the thought of that makes your heart jump, keep reading.)

With those downsides in mind, if the very idea of working with books every day still thrills you, then you belong in publishing.

Note the difference there: it should be the craft of publishing, not the craft of writing that most fascinates you. Yes, writing is a hugely important part of any worthwhile book, but if your real dream is to be a writer, then don’t spend your life working on someone else’s art. You don’t want to be that kind of frustrated writer. (And while many people in the publishing industry get the chance to write every day, or even publish their own books, it’s by no means the most direct path to a writing career.)

But if everything about books, from the typography, to the editing, to the marketing, to the intricacies of the supply chain, makes you itch with joy, then publishing is your home. And it’s a very happy home, if you ask me!

So if you’re sure that publishing is your home, but you haven’t a clue how to get in the front door, start here. This is the exact method I used to land my first (unpaid) publishing internship, as well as my first full-time editorial assistant job. I’ve also incorporated a lot of the insight and methods I’ve seen work for others. While anyone will tell you that there isn’t ONE way to get into publishing, this method will help you create a custom game plan so you can chart your own path.

A 7-Step Game Plan to Help You Get Your Dream Job in Book Publishing

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