10 gorgeous art prints that will bring you focus and clarity

10 gorgeous art prints for writers: the best art prints for writers to bring focus + clarity! Here’s a thing I do all the time: think about something I have to do, think about another thing I have to do, think about TEN more things I really have to do, panic and worry, start to […]

A free John Burroughs printable art print on books

A free printable art print with the famous John Burroughs quote on books: “I still find each day too short for all the thoughts I want to think, all the walks I want to take, all the books I want to read, and all the friends I want to see.” When I was 21, I […]

An inside look at my blissful reading nook + how to make your own (free art print!)

Avoid these 3 common reading nook mistakes when styling a blissful and cozy DIY reading nook for adults. Here’s how Monday used to look for me when I was an editor at a NYC publisher: sit at a cubicle, wheel my chair into the corner, put my head down, and try to edit a manuscript while […]

10 quotes that remind us how much we love books (+ free book art print)

The best famous writers’s inspirational quotes about life, writing, books, and reading. I walked into my favorite bookstore last week, and I was immediately hit by a wave of relief. I stood at the front of the store, looking at a table covered in books, feeling a weight lifting from me. There was something so luxurious and indulgent about […]